Teen has priceless reaction after finding out mom is pregnant

Ana Mello and her brother

In a clip that has gone viral, a TikToker shared her brother’s unforgettable reaction upon learning that their mother was pregnant.

On Jan. 16, Ana Mello posted a recording in which her 45-year-old mom shares the news as Ana and her 17-year-old brother pulls out two pairs of booties from a couple of small bags. While Ana immediately breaks into tears, her brother is seemingly stunned.

“My brother finding out he’s gonna be the middle child LMAOOOOO,” Mello captioned the video.


my brother finding out he’s gonna be the middle child LMAOOOOO

♬ original sound – Ana Mello

The rest of the clip shows Mello, who says she’s 20 years old in the clip, embracing her mom as her brother remains in his seat.

“A child?” Mello asks her, before the TikToker’s brother later gets up to similarly hug the pregnant mom.

The TikTok has since received more than 1.3 million likes and over 12,000 comments from amused users.

“He’s thinkin about everything right now,” one person wrote of the brother’s response.

“My guy was rethinking his whole life,” another added.

“He is done with life at this point,” a third joked.

Others couldn’t help but sympathize with the teenager’s predicament.

“Middle [children] have it the hardest i don’t want to hear it,” one TikToker commented.

“He’s watching all the younger child privileges being thrown out the window,” a second posted.

In a follow-up TikTok, Mello confirms that she was, indeed, excited about her pregnant mom’s announcement given her family’s history.

“It was kind of a lot to take in, and I’m very, very happy,” she says. “But my mom did have a miscarriage about four years ago, so I was just kind of having mixed emotions because I never thought that she was going to be able to get pregnant again — so it’s a miracle for us and we’re so excited.”

The TikToker also shared a quick update about her brother in the comments section.

“My brother said he’s ready to be FORGOTTEN and he can’t wait to do whatever he wants,” she wrote.

If you liked this story, check out this article on a mom-to-be who stirred controversy with a surprising baby shower announcement.

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