5 ways to raise your vibrations and be more mindful of your energy

When you hear things like “raise your vibrations” you might dismiss it as the same old vague wellness jargon. But the belief is actually grounded in Albert Einstein’s teachings that everything is energy. 

Julia Suh is the founder of The Mantra Co., a wellness lifestyle brand empowering “self-development and emotional health through mantras, astrology, merchandise and coaching.” Some of these mantras include using your vibrations to your advantage to help with self-work and reaching your highest self.

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“Whatever vibes that you put out into the universe, it’s going to reciprocate it back to you,” Suh told In The Know.

Suh said, So if you’re looking to attract some goodness into your life during these chaotic times, here’s how. 

“Everything in the universe is made up of energy, vibrating at different frequencies,” Suh said. “Your personal vibration is a blend of frequencies of your body, emotions and thoughts at any given moment.”

Vibrations tend to operate at high and low frequencies. In this case, the higher the better. Low frequencies tend to be rooted in negative emotions like fear, shame, guilt, poor health and a lack of spiritual awareness. While higher vibrations are connected to positive thoughts, spirituality and good health. 

“Essentially, the higher your vibration is, the closer you are in tune to your higher self,” Suh aptly put it. 

The goal of raising your vibration is to “be the energy that you want to attract,” according to the founder. But it can also help bring greater self-awareness into your life by helping you understand why you behave in certain ways. 

Here are five ways to raise your vibration, according to Suh:

1. Become aware of your thoughts. Try to shift your negative thoughts to positive ones.

2. Practice gratitude. 

3. Put out the energy you want to receive. Think love and kindness, as opposed to negativity. 

4. Practice forgiveness to release yourself from “low-vibe emotions.” 

5. Nourish your body with wholesome, nutritious foods. 

While our energies and vibrations can shift from one day to the next, the key is to be mindful of your emotions. 

“Be aware and mindful of the energy that you bring into the space and honestly just put in the work,” Suh added. “Don’t forget to be gentle with yourself, celebrate your small wins and remember that this is your journey and things will align for you as long as you put in the work and believe that you are worth manifesting everything that you desire.”

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