Man faces backlash after telling girlfriend he doesn’t ‘have time’ to do chores: ‘Do you have any respect?’

A 36-year-old man told his girlfriend he shouldn’t have to do chores but can’t figure out why she is furious with him

He asked Reddit’s “Am I the A******” forum to weigh in. His girlfriend works a full-time job, a part-time job and is a full-time Ph.D. student. He on the other hand is a part-time worker and a full-time student. When his girlfriend asked for help in managing the household he insisted she had plenty of free time but he had none. 

“I’m currently working part-time at a job that requires physical work and when I come home at noon, I do my two classes until 4 p.m.,” the man wrote. “They both meet every day for an hour and are pre-recorded videos since I can’t attend classes during the day. Afterward, I mainly do my homework because we have a ton of homework. I’m always exhausted at the end of the day because of my job and the fact that I go to school. I don’t have time to cook and clean around the apartment.” 

But although his girlfriend has a larger workload, she seemed to have time to cook and clean. 

“She’s a full-time Ph.D. student, works part-time as a research assistant, and is working full time, but she does all of this from home,” the Reddit poster said. “She has time on her hands, yet she keeps insisting on me helping her cook and clean around our apartment. I tell her I don’t have time and that I don’t care for her to cook for me all the time. Just focus on herself. I can find my own food. But now she’s upset because she feels like she puts in all the efforts in this relationship and apartment. I feel like her workload isn’t as exhausting as mine and it’s only fair that I focus more on my classwork, since I feel like I am behind because of my age.” 

Reddit users were not too happy with the way the poster treated his girlfriend. 

“You’re not only expecting her to do all her own work without any support from you, but adding your work to her plate as well. Do you have any respect for her?” someone commented

“You have zero sense of responsibility and a heck ton of lazy entitlement,” another said

“Get a grip and help out, you have it easy,” a user wrote

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