Man uncovers ‘secret box’ in his backyard

A man is going viral on TikTok after he thought he found buried treasure only to realize — a little too late — that it was actually his septic tank.

TikTok user Tony Huisman (@tonyhuismanlp) believed he’d discovered “a secret box” while gardening in his backyard. Just in case he found something of interest, Huisman filmed his attempt to open the box.

“I was doing some gardening and I uncovered a secret concrete box,” Huisman captioned his viral TikTok. “I found a handle after digging for a while [and] then, after digging a bit more I uncovered a second handle.”

Huisman kept digging until the entire opening of the “secret concrete box” was exposed so he could use both handles to open it — because, as he found out, it was really heavy.

“So I used a pry bar,” he continued. “And you’ll never believe what I found.”

Huisman then flipped the camera onto himself, showing that he was covering his nose and mouth while closing his eyes.

“My septic tank,” he concluded.

For city folk who may be unfamiliar with septic tanks, they’re underground containers — typically made of concrete — that treat wastewater from a person’s home. Basically, it’s sewage.

The video has since racked up almost 13 million views. Commenters made plenty of jokes about the discovery — including how at least now Huisman knows where to find his septic tank.

“Me watching this: ‘Don’t open that. Don’t open that,'” one user commented.

“I was so disappointed at the end,” another added. “Thought it [was going to] be something cool.”

“Ending had me in tears,” another wrote.

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