Dad ‘reviews’ new baby in adorable TikTok: ‘This is my little boy, I just got him about 2 months ago’

Credit: @thedavisfamily.4/TikTok

Product review videos are nothing new — but what about baby reviews?

TikTok dad of two, known online as 4fargo (@thedavisfamily.4), might have just started a new trend with the adorable review of his 2-month-old son.

In the sweet video, which has now gained almost 575k likes, the young dad holds his infant son up to the camera and inventories the baby’s features. “I just got him about 2 months ago. Good quality hair. The cheeks are very chunky and kissable… Overall, he’s a pretty good baby until he’s hungry…”

In the matter-of-fact tone that’s become standard for product reviews, 4fargo states, “I recommend babies for any family, for starter families. If you already have a family, I recommend more babies.”

And, as no review would be complete without covering the cost, 4fargo adds, “You can get them for about three grown-up transactions a day, if you know what I mean.” He tacks on the warning, “It only takes one. One grown-up transaction can get you a baby…”

To wrap up his review, 4fargo asks, “Would I have more? Um, I don’t know, but I have him.”

‘This feels like false advertising…’

With over 10k comments, it’s clear parents are loving 4fargo’s new product review trend, and are happily going along with the joke. “They do not come with a warranty and you cannot return them, good luck,” one user commented.

“Do you have a promo code? I’m on a budget,” asked a viewer.

“Fine print: might wake up at 3am screaming & will also empty your bank account,” someone added.

“I recommend more babies too. I got mine for about $20k via a c-section. Just letting you know the cost,” commented one mom.

“Can I exchange mine for yours? I’ve had him 15 years but he’s in decent condition,” another user added.

“This obstetrician mom is obsessed with your new item. Excellent review. 10/10 would recommend,” one doctor chimed in.

And it seems 4fargo’s review might be inspiring potential customers at home. One user added, “I was going to get one around Christmas but we got the Xbox series X instead. Thanks for the review! I’m considering a similar model end of 2021!”

While baby reviews might not be as helpful as the feedback you’d find on Amazon products, it’s undoubtedly an adorable trend — one that, hopefully, more parents will jump onto!

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The post Dad ‘reviews’ new baby in adorable TikTok: ‘This is my little boy, I just got him about 2 months ago’ appeared first on In The Know.

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