These are my morning routine essentials for jumping into the day

Sai De Silva

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Sai De Silva is an In The Know parenting contributor. Follow her on Instagram and check out her website for more.

Your relationship with your alarm clock is a very personal thing. Maybe you’re gung-ho to start your day, getting out of bed at the first ring — or maybe you tend to get along better with your snooze button.

Regardless, mornings are hard.

I consider myself to be a natural morning person. But you don’t have to be one to get onto speaking terms with your alarm clock. It’s taken me a few years to find the right combination of elements for my morning routine, but I’ve finally gotten it down to a science… most of the time. Here’s how I start each day as a working mom, and the essentials I rely on to help me get up and at ‘em with a smile on my face.


Essentials: Yoga mat, Candles and Headspace app

I wake up at 6 a.m. — earlier than the rest of my household — so I can get into a good headspace before jumping into my day. After hopping out of bed, I roll out my yoga mat, light a candle and try to sit still and focus on my breath for 20 minutes. I truly feel this is the biggest factor that plays into my ability to show up for my family, my employees and myself. 

Sometimes I meditate on my own, but other times I use the Headspace guided meditation app. It’s great for beginners and seasoned meditators alike, and it allows you to select the amount of time you’d like to spend in the so-called zen zone.

Gratitude and Manifestation

Essentials: Journal

Starting off the day with a grateful heart can dramatically transform your outlook on life. It helps you shift from thinking about what you have to do to being mindful of all that you already have and what you get to do. I have a special gratitude journal I use for jotting down five things that I’m truly grateful for each morning. This is also a helpful evening activity before bed if you prefer to fall asleep counting your blessings.

Each day, I also like to write down what I’m trying to create in my life so that I can keep that mission top of mind — and I’m currently doing the 369 method. It’s a 28-day manifesting method which involves writing down what you want to bring in your life: three things in the morning, six things in the afternoon and nine things in the evening.

Breakfast and Meal Prep

Essentials: Vitamix, Moringa Powder and Lunch Containers

After my little zen ritual, the kids typically start to stir. My husband usually wakes them up while I get breakfast ready and send them off to school with their lunches. We’re big smoothie people around here, so I’ll throw some fruit into the Vitamix, sneak in some greens and add a pinch of moringa powder for additional iron and calcium. Not to brag or anything (totally bragging), but I am the queen of sneaking nutrition into my kids’ meals. I usually prep some healthy lunches for the kiddos the night before, putting them into easy-to-carry bento boxes.

Daily Workout

Essentials: Peloton, Resistance Bands and Workout Set

After the off-to-school shuffle, it’s time for my morning workout! I like to lay out a cute workout set — I especially love the matching ones from Alo Yoga and Nike — the night before as a reminder to honor my commitment to stay active. I’m the poster child (poster mom?) for getting your body moving at least for 20 minutes a day. It’s right up there with meditation when it comes to my daily priorities. 

Sometimes I work out with a trainer and other times I sweat on my own. After the pandemic, we set up a little home gym situation, but you don’t need to have a ton of space to get your own sweat session. I’d highly recommend the Peloton bike to anyone who’s looking for a way to get into the habit of working out regularly from the home. Sure, it’s an investment, but it’s an investment in your long-term health. Plus, those classes are addicting, even if you’re not the competitive type. 

If you’re not quite ready for that financial commitment, you can work wonders with simple dumbbells, resistance bands and YouTube workout videos. The key is to move your body, some way and somehow, every single day. This will make chasing your kids around much easier.

Coffee Time

Essentials: Italian Moka Espresso Maker and Adaptogens

After I’ve meditated, mothered and moved, I get to enjoy one of my favorite moments of the day: coffee time. That first sip of java in the morning just hits different, you know? I use an Italian stovetop espresso maker filled with regular coffee, because I feel like it tastes better this way. I always add a teaspoon of adaptogens to help regulate my mood, sharpen my focus and strengthen my immune system. Ashwagandha is my favorite followed closely by Maca.

Shower and Skin care

Essentials: Cleau de Peau Beauté Cleanser, Augustines Bader Toner, Amore Pacific Essence and Supergoop Glow Sunscreen

Finally, I’ll hop in the shower and then go through my morning skin care routine. Skin care is a non-negotiable part of my morning, and I honestly look forward to it each day. Those few minutes you spend taking care of yourself really add up. As a working mom, I savor these moments of “me time.”

I have a few skin care superstars that I always make sure to reach for. I’ll start off with a cleanser from Cle de Peau Beauté followed by the Augustines Bader Toner. Next, I apply the Amore Pacific Essence and, of course, sunscreen. I can’t stress the importance of daily sunscreen enough, and the Supergoop Glow Screen is perfect for protecting your face and priming for makeup.

After I’ve shown my skin some TLC, I’ll put on my makeup for the day, get dressed and head to my home office to tackle emails. Sometimes the emails end up tackling me instead, but hey, that’s just part of entrepreneurship.

It takes a little bit of experimenting to find out how to structure your morning. But as long as you know what you want to prioritize before the world comes rushing in, you’ll be able to work out the order. For me, that means meditation, gratitude, movement and skin care. Oh, and coffee. Always coffee.

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