Parents face backlash over ‘horrible’ decision with their daughter’s birthday gift: ‘What were you thinking?’

A mom gave her daughter a present at another kid’s birthday party. But she doesn’t see the big deal

She took to Reddit’s “Am I the A******” to explain herself. Her daughter Stephie turned nine the day before a friend’s birthday party. The mom planned to get Stephie a Nintendo Switch on her birthday, but the plan fell through. The mom didn’t think anything of bringing the expensive gift to Stephie’s friend’s birthday party the next day. 

“My daughter Stephie just turned nine on Saturday,” the mom wrote. “She’s been asking for a Switch for a while now, and I think she’s gotten old enough and mature enough that I can trust her with a big present like that. So the plan was always to give Stephie the Switch at her birthday party, which was the same day. However, that ended up falling through. We ended up not being able to pick up the Switch until Sunday morning. See, Stephie was invited to her classmate Jolene’s party on Sunday. So I figured that since we were still in the party spirit, I would just give Stephie the Switch after cake at Jolene’s party. Nothing more than that. Just the unwrapping, and then the spotlight would be right back on Jolene. Besides, the girls are friends, so I figured it wouldn’t be a big deal. They’re nine; they’re old enough to understand this was an extenuating circumstance. Or so I thought.”

Giving Stephie the Switch at Jolene’s party caused a lot of drama.

“Everything went as I had planned, and I thought it went well, but after the party was over, I got a call from Jolene’s mom essentially asking me what the hell I was thinking,” she said. “[She said] that I was ‘undermining’ her because she couldn’t afford something like a Switch for Jolene. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I have not raised Stephie to even really care about things like how much a present costs. Also, Jolene didn’t even care because she had numerous new things to play with, and Stephie shared her Switch with her, so it seems to me like everyone made out well. Jolene’s mom also called me petty and a show-off. [My] husband says he gets where I was coming from, but maybe [I] should have at least waited until after Jolene’s presents were opened so she could have hers first.” 

People didn’t think the Reddit poster was being genuine about the situation. 

“She’s either dumb as a rock or just a horrible human being,” someone wrote

“OP meant to cause trouble – they are just mad they got called out,” another said

“What were you thinking giving your daughter a birthday gift at another kid’s birthday,” a user commented

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