Man refuses to let fiancee’s ‘backstabbing’ sister move in with them: ‘She will absolutely ruin your lives’

A man doesn’t want anything to do with his future sister-in-law after discovering her secret life. 

He asked Reddit’s “Am I the A******? (AITA)” forum to weigh in. His future sister-in-law Britney dated his friend Justin. But Justin kicked Britney out when he discovered she was cheating on him and using him for his money. So the Reddit poster sided with Justin over his fiancee.

“I have been engaged to Kellie for a year, and [we’ve been] together for two and a half years,” he wrote. “She has a younger sister Britney. Britney was dating Justin when I met Kellie. I became buddies with Justin through the sisters. Kellie gets a call from a frantic Britney saying that Justin had broken up with her, and she found all her stuff packed up in the garage.”

“She was crying, and Kellie assured her that she could stay with us. Britney has another year of school, then she is done. I wanted to get the full story, so I called up Justin. He asked me to come over. He showed me everything. Britney had been cheating and financially abusing him. She had convinced him to take out a bunch of loans to help her with her schooling. He paid for her car. “

But Kellie was a lot more sympathetic to Britney than the Reddit poster had hoped. 

“I read all the texts myself,” he said. “She was talking to another guy about moving in together the day after she graduates. She had it all planned out. So I go back to my fiancee with everything, and now she’s mad. But she doesn’t want her sister to be homeless and wants her to finish school.”

“I told her that her sister isn’t welcome in my home. I gave her the idea of paying for an apartment for her sister if she didn’t want her homeless. But that the money needs to come from her account. Not our joint one. So here’s where we are at: Britney is at a hotel, Kellie is pissed at me now, and I’m not budging.” 

Redditors thought the poster made the right call. 

“She will absolutely ruin your lives. She can go live with the other guy if she’s so desperate,” a user wrote

Another person called Britney an “evil, manipulative, backstabbing, thieving monster.” 

“If she can do this to someone she loves, what’s she going to do to you?” a person wrote

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