Teenager shocked after discovering dad’s ‘ridiculous’ college fund decision: ‘They gambled with your college education’

A teenager is furious with their parents for being dishonest about their ability to pay for the kid’s college. 

The teen asked Reddit’s “Am I the A******? (AITA)” forum if they were being “ungrateful and spoiled.” Their father promised to pay for their college, and luckily, they got into their dream college. However, their dad revealed that they lost over half the money by investing in bad stocks. 

“My dad promised to pay for my college education,” the teen wrote. “I made all my plans based on his promised aid, and I applied for early action for my dream college. I got in! Yesterday, he told me that he wouldn’t be able to help me at all, and he will help me get student loans.”

“I was really shocked because he had told me not to worry about it a month ago. I asked him what had happened, and he was deflecting before he admitted that he had invested the funds in some stocks and that he had lost money. He had promised me $70,000, and now he has something like $32,000.”

The father assured them that the stocks would go back up, and he would be able to pay off the loans after college. But the teen didn’t want to hear it. 

“I told him that he was being a loser right now, and it wasn’t fair that he lied to me for so long when he was just hoping that it would go back up. My mom is also mad at me because she says most people don’t get their parents’ support in college, and I shouldn’t be calling my dad a loser for offering to give me $32,000. I feel really ungrateful and spoiled.”

Redditors understood why the teen was upset. 

“They GAMBLED with your college education and lost,” a user commented

“He invested in something as volatile and unpredictable as the stock market. That’s absolutely ridiculous and stupid of him to do,” someone wrote

“Don’t make promises you can’t keep,” another said

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