A woman is feuding with her sister over their sleeping arrangements with their husbands.
She asked Reddit’s “Am I the A******? (AITA)” forum to weigh in. Her sister and the sister’s husband sleep in separate bedrooms. Meanwhile, the poster and her husband love sharing a bed together. Her sister, however, seems to think the marriage is doomed if the poster doesn’t sleep separately from her husband.
“My sister and her husband have been married for 15 years,” she said. “My sister’s actually 10 years older than me (I’m 29, and she’s 39). Since the beginning of their cohabitation, they slept on separate beds and later [in] separate bedrooms, too. My parents and my sister’s in-laws have always been judgy about their sleeping arrangement. My sis and her husband get a lot of shady remarks about how they don’t truly love one another if their arrangement is like that.
“Several times throughout the years, I’ve told people to mind their business and let the couple decide for themselves what’s best for them. My husband and I have been together for seven years, and we just got married. Our first few years as a couple were long-distance, and once we moved in together, sleeping together was one of our favorite things to do. And to this day, it still is.”
Despite the poster defending her sister from judgment for years, the sister seems to have become judgmental herself.
“The past few times my sister’s visited my house, she’s made remarks about ‘how come we still haven’t made a separate bedroom one of us would sleep in,'” the Reddit poster explained. “I made it clear multiple times how my husband and I can’t sleep apart, and we love sleeping together. She then passive-aggressively told me, ‘OK, sure thing, just saying though, don’t say I didn’t warn you,’ implying that my husband and I are not happy or healthy because we don’t sleep separately.”
“Being hurt by her constant judgment, I told her that my sleeping arrangement with my husband is none of her business. And she’s actually terrible for always trying to imply the worst for me and my husband, when I was the only one who supported her against her in-laws and our parents when they judged her.”
Redditors thought the sister was out of line.
“It’s none of her business what you guys do in your marriage,” a user said.
“You stood up for her for YEARS when the family was doing this exact thing to her, and now she’s trying it on you? Not cool,” another commented.
“You respected your sister’s situation. She didn’t respect yours,” someone wrote.
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