A teen is wondering if she should take the blame for revealing her sister’s secret.
The 17-year-old shared what happened on Reddit’s “Am I the A******? (AITA)” forum. Her older sister is “irresponsible” and has three children under age 2. The big sister routinely takes the teenager’s makeup and clothing. So when the teen noticed her things were missing, she called her elder sister. But when a man picked up the phone, the teenager had no idea she would end up “exposing” her sister.
“My older sister has three kids: 2-year-old twins and an 8-month-old,” the Reddit poster wrote. “She is very irresponsible, so my mom takes care of her babies most of the time. Me and my sister are not that close, but she’s always touching my clothes and makeup. It’s really annoying since I’m 17 and work a job to pay for all my things. She’s unemployed and borrows money from my mom and sometimes me.
“My sister dates a lot, and I honestly don’t care. I came home last night to my room torn apart, a lot of my makeup and extensions I just got gone. I called her a bunch of times and, finally, someone answered. It was some guy, and I told him to give the phone to my sister.”
What the Reddit poster didn’t know at the time was that her sister was keeping a major secret.
“I said that I need to talk to her, and he said he can relay a message,” she wrote. “I said to tell her she needs to bring me back my things the same way she took them and that I’m not babysitting her kids next weekend like she begged me to. He was like, ‘Wait, what?’ But I hung up.”
“Later, my mom comes into my room saying my sister called her crying hysterically that she was kicked out of some guy’s car on the road and needed a ride home. She was blaming ME, saying I ‘exposed’ her. I was so confused until she came home. She was screaming that I told her ‘now-ex’ she has kids, which got him mad, [and] that what I did is ‘child endangerment’ because you shouldn’t mention kids to strangers and that she decides to tell people on her own time.”
Redditors didn’t think the poster did anything wrong here.
“She got what was coming to her,” a user commented.
“How were you supposed to know that she didn’t tell him she had kids?” another said.
“You were in the right to have said what you said,” someone added.
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