Nyma Tang is championing representation and inclusion in the makeup industry

Nyma Tang credits her successful career to her drive for getting information to the people who are looking for it. As a beauty influencer, she’s been through a lot of trial and error with products, and her videos aim to help others not have to go through that too.

“My thing is just getting as much information out there,” Tang told In The Know. “I lost a lot of time and I lost a lot of money and I don’t want to do that to people.”

Tang discovered makeup in college. After her family left South Sudan and immigrated to the U.S. when Tang was 3 years old, she grew up with a lot of responsibility that pushed makeup and skincare to the back burner.

“I had six younger sisters who needed my attention and care,” she explained. “Around 21, I was in college and was starting to figure out, ‘Who am I?'”

Money was tight and Tang started her foray into beauty with basic drugstore essentials. But at the time, she felt like she didn’t belong in those aisles.

“This type of exploration of beauty was not for my skin tone. It was very exclusive,” Tang said. “I was looking for a foundation and I had to go to five different stores.”

Tang knew there was a lack of inclusivity within the beauty and fashion worlds, but the experience of going to five different stores to find her shade sealed the deal — she was going to do something about it.

That’s why she started her YouTube channel, which features tutorials and recommendations, so other girls like her wouldn’t have to feel embarrassed or spend a whole day looking for one product.

“With Black women and with people of color, there’s a lot of discoloration that can happen,” Tang said. “My face is a few shades darker than my chest. It’s been something that’s always bothered me, so this isn’t just about makeup, it’s about normalizing and sharing my beauty with the world.”

Tang’s focus on inclusivity has paid off for thousands of her viewers who felt ostracized by the beauty world.

“The biggest impact that I’ve had is [seen in the] messages I get daily — ‘Oh, wow, I didn’t know that someone like me was allowed to be as confident as you are. Now you’ve made me love my skin tone and you’ve made me love myself,'” she said.

But Tang is not finished and the beauty industry, while it has arguably made steps in the right direction, is by no means fully inclusive.

“My next step is not only continuing creating the change that I’ve been able to do through social media, but making sure I have a seat at the table with some of these brands to make sure my voice is being heard,” she said.

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The post Nyma Tang is championing representation and inclusion in the makeup industry appeared first on In The Know.

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