Woman reaches breaking point over her roommate’s ‘ridiculous’ new household rule: ‘She’s being absolutely unreasonable’

A college student is at odds with their roommate over her house rule.

They consulted Reddit’s “Am I the A******?” forum for advice. The roommate has to wake up at 5 a.m. for three months due to her schedule. Because of this, she banned her housemates from using the kitchen after 6:30 p.m. The Reddit poster found the rule ridiculous and confronted her about it. 

“Because of her university work, she has to start waking up around 5 a.m. from January till March,” the Reddit poster wrote. “She has made a rule that no one is allowed to use the kitchen after 6:30 p.m. so [that] she can sleep properly.

“I tried [telling] her that on three weekdays, my lectures end at 7:15 p.m. But she said that I can buy food from the university, and it should not be a problem. This is an issue for me because I cannot afford to buy meals from university. She stared at me for a while till she started yelling [about] how I and the others never do anything for her [and that] she has to do everything herself.

“The next morning, she was glaring at me, but as usual, I cleaned up after myself, [and] tried to talk to her, but she wasn’t having it,” the Reddit poster said. “Before I left, I sat next to her at our kitchen table and said, ‘Whilst I understand that you need your sleep, you live with four other people. We all cannot change our daily schedules.’ I tried to have eye contact with her, but she kept looking outside the window.

“I sighed and took my laptop bag with me and went to my lectures. Just before I left through the door, I heard her mumble to herself how selfish we all are being, to which I replied loud and clear, ‘Wanting to eat after six hours of lectures is not selfish, it is a bare necessity, try to think about it. If you had to do what you want us to do, would you feel like you could do it?’ And then I left.” 

Redditors thought the roommate was out of line. 

“To ask roommates not to use a shared space is ridiculous,” a user said

“Trying to ban the use of a shared space ever is crazy,” another wrote

“She’s being absolutely unreasonable,” someone commented

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