Woman exposes alleged cheater after noticing suspicious text message

tiktok cheater

It can be devastating to realize your significant other isn’t as faithful to you as they claim. Luckily, TikTok has your back.

In response to a prompt in which another user asked for stories of how people noticed their significant others were cheating on them, @allyjai1997 shared a number of suspicious things her husband had allegedly done.

The first thing she noticed, she said, was a text to another woman on his phone that read, “good morning how did you sleep.”

“I don’t understand why you’re texting other women that, but OK,” she said.

Later, a girl she worked with sent her screenshots of her husband’s alleged online dating profile. Upon further inspection, @allyjai1997 noticed his apparent Tinder bio said he was going through a divorce.

After that, she found extra toothpaste, clothes and condoms in his truck, as well as a second phone she said he had been using.

She claimed she turned the phone on and easily found there were dating apps with suggestive usernames and passwords associated with them.

Her original post, which received more than 1.5 million likes, generated thousands of comments in support.

“Throw the whole boy out … I’m so sorry you’re going through this,” one user said.

“You deserve better. He is not only playing with your emotions, but your life as he could catch something,” another wrote.

“Cry it out and heal. Find a real man,” a third remarked.

In a number of follow-up videos, @allyjai1997 gave more information about the alleged cheating and subsequent confrontation.

In response to users who wondered why she was so calm, she said she was, “raging on the inside.”

She said she’s meeting with a lawyer and that she and her husband are “definitely” getting divorced, and noted that she’s trying to keep her 16-month-old daughter safe as her story goes viral.

“There’s a lot of stuff that he doesn’t know that’s coming to him, and that’s not a threat,” she said calmly. “I just don’t wanna share everything I’m doing.”

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