Dad can’t take it when baby boy ‘apologizes’ for wetting the bed: ‘It broke my heart’

A father shared a simple but touching moment with his apologetic baby boy on TikTok.

The Ramjohn Family hasn’t had it easy. Mom and wife Tatiana Ramjohn had their son Easton following a tragic miscarriage. Not only was Easton a rainbow baby, but he was a premie. Tatiana spent 65 days on bed rest after going into labor at 19 weeks, and Easton was only given a 20% chance of survival. But after 123 days in the NICU, Easton finally went home

It’s easy to imagine how any moment between Easton and his family is special, if not miraculous. Easton’s father, Timothy Ramjohn, posted a moment with Easton that made his heart break. 

“He started apologizing to me for wetting the bed because his diaper was soaked,” the father captioned the video.

“I can’t lie — it broke my heart when he apologized because you can hear the sincerity in his voice. I’m trying my best to be a good dad.” 

The dad was changing Easton’s diaper when the little guy let out a bashful “sawwy” for having an accident. 

“You don’t have to be sorry. It’s not your fault,” the dad said consoling his son. “You didn’t do anything wrong, OK?” 

“Tank you,” Easton replied.

The video received over 6.9 million views on TikTok

“You have created such a wholesome being there,” someone wrote

“My heart broke. What a wee sweetheart,” another said

“That kid [is] being raised so well, thoughtfulness, acceptance and love,” a user commented

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