Woman slams roommate over her ‘hypocritical’ houseguest rules: ‘Double standards are toxic’

A woman is feuding with her roommate over their guest policy. 

She asked Reddit’s “Am I the A******? (AITA)” forum to weigh in. When her father wanted to stay for a couple of days, her roommate made him stay at a hotel. But when the roommate’s mother planned to visit for a week, the roommate insisted their mom stay at the apartment the whole time. 

“My dad lives two hours away,” she explained. “In October, I missed my dad a lot and told him I was coming home to see him. He said he’d love to see me but asked if he could come to where I live since he had some friends he wanted to see as well. I said, ‘Of course!’

“I told my roommate he was coming to visit for the weekend. He basically said she thought he should stay in a hotel. I figured she didn’t want the apartment cramped (we’ve never had guests stay for that long), and my dad said he didn’t mind. So the two of us stayed at the hotel for the weekend.

“Fast forward to now, my friend informed me that her mom is coming to visit and is planning on staying a week at our apartment,” the Reddit poster said. I called her out on it and said that my dad was only coming for two nights and she didn’t want him here and that her mom is staying for a WEEK.

“She told me that having my dad stay and having her mom stay is completely different because it’s a female and not a male. I got really upset with my roommate and told her that I didn’t want her mom to stay at our apartment and [that] she needed to stay at the hotel like my dad had to do. My roommate is now mad at me, but I feel like I’m justified in being upset at the double standard.”

People thought the roommate was being unfair. 

“It looks like the roommate just wants to be hypocritical,” a user commented

“You and your roommate need to work on your communication and establish rules for guests that you both need to follow,” another said

“Double standards are toxic, and you’re well within your right to not tolerate them in your life,” another said

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